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[Ben]:About to take the plunge Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments
Soon (today or tomorrow) I'm going to be getting a Pocket PC. It'll either be an Audiovox 6600 or 6700 (depending on which my dad likes better) with a Sprint unlimited data plan. This is the first neat-o gadget that I've bought since getting my RINO GPS a few years ago. If I get the 6700, the EV-DO high-speed network will make remote administration very easy.

I'm keeping my Cingular cell phone as well. It's nice to have an old junker phone as well.

Hopefully this purchase will mean I'll be able to update with more interesting items from more diverse settings. On-the-spot reporting at its finest.

Specifically, I'm going to advertise (and hopefully be able to deliver) my LIVE test of a pair of Colts 1991A1 pistols. 1028 rounds in x hours. The date and time is still To Be Announced, but before I establish how LIVE it will be and make a big deal out of it, I'm going to have to play with my new phone. I'll probably write a new interface for updating the website from the phone, just to make it easier.

Chances are, live video feed from the event won't happen, but periodic onsite text updates are very likely (assuming I get any sort of data connection from the range I shoot at). Maybe pictures and short video clips.

Give me some time to play around with the capabilities of the new unit and hopefully you'll get some new and relatively interesting content.
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