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[Ben]:Meltdown. Discuss This [3 comments so far] View Comments
LISTER: Hang on. These guys aren't Nazis -- they're all wearing
different period costumes. There's one looks like Al Capone, there's
another like Mussolini, Richard III, Napoleon. Smeg, it's like all the
worst people in history have been brought together in one place. Oh my
God, there's James Last! I recognize him from Rimmer's record
CAT: What are they doing?.
LISTER: Well, just lining up in ... in some kind of firing squad. Woah
Woah! Hang on, hang on. Someone's being brought out, they're tying
him to a stake. It's Winnie the Pooh.
CAT: What?
LISTER: Winnie the Pooh, I swear! He's refusing the blindfold.
CAT: They're tying Winnie the Pooh to a stake?


LISTER: That's something no one should ever have to see.
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