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[Ben]:Israel continuing to evict settlers from Gaza Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments

How do you folks feel about this?

Personally, I feel it is like the US backing out of Arizona because Mexicans were unhappy about how the Spanish-American war went.

For all of you who advocate the creation Palestinian state, we've already tried that. The British split their mandate of Palestine into two sections. The much larger portion east of the Jordan river they called the Trans-Jordan, kicked all the Jews out (isolating them to what is now known as Israel) and gave the area to the Arabs to run as they will. This was later renamed to Jordan - as it is still known today. But 75% just isn't enough, is it?

And as for the "occupied" areas that Israel controls ... doesn't the principle of SIFAS apply - just like it applies to all the other land in the world?

Look, Israel has their faults, but an Arab Muslim can (if they so choose) live in peace and relative freedom there and be a producive member of the Israeli society - they can even be elected into Israel's government or join their military. Try going to any of the Islamic nations surrounding Israel and try to live peacefully as a Jew.

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