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I just wanted to post this because I thought the section in bold was newsworthy.


YUBA CITY, Calif. (AP) — Not only did this chicken not make it across the road, but it wound up in a motorist's windshield wipers.

Yuba City Police Lt. Bill Ollar said a man reported that he was driving along a Highway 99 frontage road Tuesday night when a chicken flew by and became entangled in the wipers.

The man said he didn't want to try to free the bird himself so he drove to the police station in this farming community, about 35 miles north of Sacramento.

An officer suggested that he turn on his wipers to see if that would free the chicken, but it only set off a "wing-flapping, screeching frenzy," police said.

Finally, an officer donned rubber gloves and freed the bird, which was unharmed but got away.

"After a brief failed attempt to catch the chicken, none of the officers wanted to be seen involved in a prolonged 'chicken-chasing venture' in front of the police department, so the chicken was left to hang around the front of the office to do whatever chickens do," police said in a news release.

Ollar said an animal control officer picked up the bird Wednesday.

"We'd never seen anything like that," Ollar said. "[But] we're willing to help anyone with any call they request. We felt obligated to assist."
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