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Yesterday, Nate and I each killed a deer - the first year we both filled our tags.
Here is his:

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There I was...isn't that how all these start out? Anyway Ben and I got into the woods nice and early. The day was looking really good when before legal shooting light I had a deer standing within 5 yards of me. It was so dark that I couldn't even tell if it was buck or a doe. The only thing that kept going through my mind was all those videos you see of the deer attacking the hunter. I can tell you that I had my S&W 629 in my hands and I was ready to go if it decided to go for it. I was really hoping it would stick around for another 20 min for legal shooting light and I would have gotten a deer with a handgun. Unfortunately, the deer moved off well before it got light enough to see.

Shortly before 9am Ben wussed out and decided he would rather go into work than continue hunting. I however manned up and stayed in the woods. Good thing too, because about 30min later I noticed a doe working her way toward me. Once she was clear of any obstructions she was about 20 yards away and I was able to make a good shot. She ran about 50 yards and I was able to track her with no problems. Then I just had to wait for Ben to come back so he could help me drag it out of the woods, and oh yeah get the BIGGEST DEER EVER!

After Nate shot his, he called me to help drag it out from the back of his parents' property. I had all my hunting stuff with me so I suited up and grabbed my shotgun. On our way out, Nate spotted another deer and I shot it. It dropped - as Nate said - "like it was pole-axed".

I could hardly believe that it went down so fast and with an incredulous look whispered to Nate "Did it just fall there?" We walked up and I used Nate's S&W 629 to finish it off.

We never found where my 12 gauge slug hit, but as fast as it dropped we figure it was a spine hit somewhere. It was odd that we couldn't find the hit.
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