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[Ben]:Meat Coma Discuss This [3 comments so far] View Comments
Cara and I went to Fogo de Chao with some friends and family. This was more than 13 hours ago and I am still full.

For those of you who have never been, the concept is simple. You are given a small card that is green on one side and red on the other. The moment you flip it to green, you are accosted by meat pushers (aka "gaucho chefs"). As long as it is green, more and more servers will try to hack off chunks of a variety of meats for you until you die or give in and flip your card back to red. When you do flip it to red, they merely pause and wait for you to - in a moment of weakness - decide you want them to bring you the rest of the cow.

If you want something specific, or something cooked to a given temperature, just tell a meat pusher and they'll trot off to have the cooks make it up for you.

If your plate fills up with gnawed bones and trimmings, they will bring you a fresh plate to defile with yet more meat. So long as your card is green, they will not stop piling dead critter on your plate.

Oh yeah, they have a salad bar too. I did visit it and tried a few things on it. For the record, a little smoked salmon on fresh mozzarella is awesome. Yes, they have meat at their salad bar and yes that is what I went for. I had some tomato and an asparagus stick too, so that makes up for it.

Fogo de Chao meat,
A whole cow killed just for me,
In a meat coma.
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