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[Ben]:Anti-gun Pastor Endorses Politically Motivated Murder Discuss This [5 comments so far] View Comments
Wow, didn't expect that one. All things considered, I probably shouldn't be so surprised.

Anti-gun pastor Rev. Michael Pfleger - introduced by Jesse Jackson - tells a mob surrounding a gun store that the gun store owner should be dragged out of his shop "like a rat" and "snuffed." He goes on to say that legislators who are not sufficiently anti-gun should be likewise "snuffed." Quote follows:
"He's the owner of Chuck's. John Riggio. R-i-g-g-i-o. We're going to find you and snuff you out - you know you're going to hide like a rat. You're going to hide but like a rat we're going to catch you and pull you out. We are not going to allow you to continue to hide when we're here"

"We're going to keep coming back, and like Reverend Jackson says, it takes civil disobedience, if it takes whatever it takes - we're going to snuff out John Riggio, we're going to snuff out legislators that are voting - and we are coming for you because we are not going to sit idly. Keep on fighting, people. Keep on fighting, keep on fighting."

Something about the style and content of Pfleger's speech made me think of this.

You can listen to the speech here.

As everyone else on every blog and forum has already commented, considering how little self-control over themselves, and how much hatred and violence that these wild-eyed, unstable, socialist crackpots have in their hearts, no wonder they're anti-gun. This fellow is the type of guy who advocates gun-control because if he had a gun he'd want to murder people who disagree with him.

Maybe instead of banning even more guns, we should ban Pfleger.
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