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[Ben]:Fun with utility payments Discuss This [6 comments so far] View Comments
Last month I paid my water bill, but this time I decided instead of sending a check by mail, I would save time and money by submitting my payment online as I do with most of my bills.

Everything seemed to go okay at first - I paid, got a receipt by email, saw the payment show up on my credit card - all apparently well.

Except this month's water bill claims I didn't pay anything at all.

Anyone who knows me well can already see my righteous anger in their mind's eye. It is in everyone's best interests that such matters are no longer settled with private armies.

I called up the billing authority (whose name I will - for the moment - conceal) and read to them the seemingly interminable series of characters that made up the authorization code on the receipt and now am biding my time, sharpening various figurative weapons of war and eyeing the black flag longingly.

Give it time, Ben, give it time.

In an hour we'll decide whether or not

I'm somewhat layed up today I can only assume due to something I ate yesterday, which I suppose gives me something of an excuse for my current belligerant state of mind. Or maybe it has something to do with the idea of paying a $5.00 service charge through no fault of my own.
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