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[Ben]:Reloading Reborn Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
Today I went and picked up my reloading equipment to set up at the apartment. The storage room is pretty small, but I was able to cram everything I needed in there.

First picture is an overall view of the room to show off my shelves and storage bins.

Next, a better shot of the bench as well as my custom cartridge catcher.

A closeup of the cartridge catcher.

The press itself.

The storage bins.

The powder shelf.

I've got some other junk to the left, but you don't need a picture of that.

Finally, something you probably won't see too many times again.

I put about 200 .45ACP through it this afternoon and evening and it appears to be working great. Now Nate just has to get up off his rear and get me his 10mm toolhead and components and he will actually be able to afford to shoot his Glock 20.

Thank you to Jason Crane for the shelving components.
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