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[Ben]:Adventures in Credit Discuss This [2 comments so far] View Comments
While Michael is off buying cars and houses, I've been trying to build my own credit score beyond ... well ... the point where I lock up bank computers. It's not that I have bad credit, it's that I went way too long using cash instead of credit cards. Some people see that as a good thing. I see now that it was a vice.

Today I walk into my bank and go speak with Kenny. Nice chap. Told him I wanted to hand him $1,500 and have him loan me $1,500 which I would then pay off. Before they'll let me do that, I've got to set up a new savings account (wanted to do that anyhow) and then apply for the loan.

Apply for it.

I'm handing them cash to cover - to a cent - the money I'm "borrowing" from them. What kind of applicant screening do we need to do, seriously? I mean, they put $1,500 in an account and then freeze it. I can't touch it. If I default, they are covered 100%. No risk to them.


But either way, I'm waiting for Kenny to call me back on this.

At least I only froze their computer once this time.
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