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[Ben]:Too much work. Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
As I start this, it's just turning 0600 hours Indiana time. Yesterday, I woke up around 0800 and scurried off to work so I could put in some time on a big web project that was nearing deadline. Ideally we were to have it finished by last night. I wrapped up primary development a few minutes ago.

It's been one of those days. Of the past 22 hours, I spent two hours at a party, took maybe an hour total driving, eating or talking to my wife and friends. That puts about 19 hours of work on the clock, but at least I've gotten some results.

Thankfully, staying awake has been a cinch. I've been staying up too late for the past week or so, and a complete reset should help, if I can just make it through until tonight. Towards that end I downed a pot of coffee earlier and am working my way through another. This isn't the weak, tealike stuff you get most places. Sure, it's just a bulk package of a major brand, but the way I've been making it tonight, this coffee has turned into a grab-you-by-the-neck-and-shake-you-until-your-eyes-forget-how-to-blink concoction. Good stuff for an all-nighter. Not nearly as potent as the Storm/coffee brew I cooked up way back when, but a drop on the skin does get the heart racing.

I do my best coding when I hit a project continually until the tough parts are done. It tends to help me keep structure straight in my mind if I don't take periodic breaks. I did the same sort of thing when I wrote the Stock Market Game and parts of this forum.

Anyway, I'm holding off until 0630 to call my boss and make him go over the program. I thought I'd burn some of that time on here since I've neglected it so much of late.

0625 is close enough.
(Yeah, I spent 25 minutes writing this and it still sucks. I've got an excuse.)
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