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[Ben]:Star Wars Convention No discussion found
The Star Wars Convention is in town and buggering up traffic downtown.

The only cool costume I saw was the stormtrooper with the baby. Just about everyone else was trying to pull off the Jedi look. Cheaper, I guess. Khaki and a cape make things too easy.

As awful as the new movies have been, I don't understand the continuing obsession with 'em. I'd almost like to go just to ask Lucas "So ... um ... why ruin the series?"

But I know the answer. It's easier to make money with a crappy series, and people are going to go see it (and flock to conventions, and buy merchandise and so forth) no matter how awful it is, so why even try? If it starts to lose popularity, then he can put a little effort into it. Otherwise - what's the point? If I can make umpteen million dollars by sitting around on my butt doing nothing or make only a little more by putting some serious thought and effort into writing and telling a decent story I'm going to sit on my butt.

As such, I'm not planning on going to see the new Star Wars. I'd much rather go see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
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