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[Ben]:What's going on in the world today? No discussion found
Ben's quick news briefing for the day:

Greek divers and some locals spent a long time trying to save a couple of stranded dolphins in Thailand. The Greeks mentioned how important it was to them to save said dolphins because they were considered almost human in Greece. Alrighty then.

US military base in the region was protected from the tsunami by it's location. US is to blame.

The Governor of Baghdad was killed. While it's sad that someone got wasted, is anyone surprised? Seems political offices in Iraq are pretty dangerous places to be.

Members of SEAL team 7 are facing punishment for their treatment of prisoners thought to be responsible for bombing a Red Cross facility.

Pleasant View Elementary School has set aside a special room for anyone eating peanut-butter sandwiches at lunch. The reason? One kid with a severe peanut allergy.

That's all for now. Enjoy your day.
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