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[Nate]:Scammer get scammed No discussion found

Many of us have been angered by endless scam emails and letters offering millions of dollars if you send details of your bank account and some money to clear the way.

But a computer operator in the UK decided to do something about it. He decided to scam the scammers, and ended up getting $129 from them in a hilarious sting.

Computer "scambaiter" Mike (no surname given), 42, received a random email from a man claiming to be Prince Joe Eboh, chairman of a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.

Eboh said he needed to get money out of Nigeria and was offering to transfer $US25 million to Mike's account if he would send his bank details. Mike was promised $6.25 million if he helped.

Mike sent an email back, calling himself Father Hector and saying he would love to help but he could only have business dealings with members of his religious order, the Holy Church of the Order of the Red Breast...

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