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[Nate]:I know this barley qualifies as news, but I told Ben I would try to get some news up. No discussion found

Shock jock Howard Stern will head to satellite radio in '06

If you want to hear Howard Stern, starting in January 2006, you'll need to shell out $12.95 a month for satellite radio.

Sirius, the No. 2 of orbital radio companies, announced Wednesday that it had lured the nation's most popular morning jock to an exclusive, five-year deal that, all told, will cost it a staggering $500 million.

The move promises to launch satellite radio into the mainstream.

"This is about as big as it gets for satellite radio," said Josh Bernoff, an analyst with Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass., who described Stern as "the killer application or killer content."

Stern, 50, who has spent years pushing the line of what's permissible on broadcast radio, told his millions of listeners Wednesday he was "tired of the censorship."...

I never was a big fan of Howard Stern, but I would have to agree with him on this point.

Emphasis mine.

Full article in Top News Section.
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