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[Ben]:Florida trip No discussion found
As many of you know, I will be leaving for Florida next week (probably early morning on Wednesday the 29th). That's 14 or 15 hours of driving alone - something I'm not really looking forward to. However, I am looking forward to spending some time with Cara.

I will be gone for about week assuming I survive the event and don't break down halfway there. I will be bringing my laptop but I have no clue what kind of internet access I'll be able to dig up. Hopefully I'll find some sort of Wifi hotspot around there I can drop by once in a while and check back here, but don't count on it.

Basically this means that emails are going to back up and I won't be around to post news items or respond to posts here. While I'm gone I hope you guys keep things as civil as you do when I'm here and that you see fit to continue to use the site.

If there are any changes to my schedule, I'll try to post them here.
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