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Because of my connection to, I get copied on some interesting emails. This week, Matt dealt with two probable frauds. One guy claimed to have received not one but two Distinguished Service Crosses - the second-highest award for combat valor. Another guy claimed two Soldier's Medals and campaign awards that cover an impossibly wide period. Neither showed up in any database that compiles winners of such medals. Matt gives people a chance to provide evidence of their service, but if they don't their order is cancelled.

While always enjoyable to witness a Marine chewing out people who lie about their service, my favorite email from this week is this one (name redacted for the recipient's privacy):
Mr. __________,
Thank you for your order. I’ll get it made up and sent out to you as soon as possible. I refunded your payment via Paypal. It is of utmost pride that I have the opportunity to create a product that recognizes and honors your service in World War II. In fact, your service plays a great role in my ability to do this business and pursue my ambitions. I don’t get the chance to provide my product to many WWII veterans. Please accept the product I send to you as a statement of gratitude from me and everyone on my team. It’s not much, but it’s the only way I have to communicate my thanks, and to render a sharp salute to you.

Very Respectfully,
Matt Massie

Makes me all the more happy to work with these guys.
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