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[Ben]:True Grit Discuss This [2 comments so far] View Comments
While Cara and I don't often see movies in the theater, we do go from time to time. It has been a long, long time since I went out to the movies and left thinking "Man, that was worth the money."

To be fair, True Grit had some advantages on the money front. First of all, it was a Sunday matinée. Secondly, all but $5 of two tickets was paid for using a gift card. Even so, had I paid the full price I would have been content. True Grit brought together a fantastic story, great acting and amazing atmosphere to produce a movie that far outclasses any new movie I've seen in the past few years.

First off, the story was true to the book. It wasn't butchered by modern writers to better suit some actor or actress, tweaked to give it a happy ending or to make an edgy social commentary. The actors played their roles superbly. While Jeff Bridges did a fine job as Rooster Cogburn and Matt Damon was okay as LaBeouf, it was Hailee Steinfeld's portrayal of Mattie Ross that was really striking.

The atmosphere really stood out. My boss commented today that as he was watching the movie, he kept thinking back to when the first Star Wars movie came out and a friend was telling him how good it was. His friend kept pointing out that the spaceships were dirty and the sci-fi weapons looked used. In much the same way True Grit accurately portrays a believably dirty, messy and rough frontier town.

It's a great movie. Go ye therefore and watch it, or at least catch it when it comes out.
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