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[Ben]:So stupid, even a Frank Straub can condemn it Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments
I'm no fan of Frank "Too Many People Own Guns" Straub, but even a blind pig finds a stopped watch one of the two times a day it is correct every now and again.

In response to a fight which a black church group staged in front of a police officer in order to provoke a cop into doing something stupid ... prove that all white cops are racist ... er ... in order to do something mediagenic, Frank Straub says:
Totally inappropriate ...

For once, Mr. Straub is entirely correct. Staging a fight - no matter what your skin color - in front of a cop is a bad idea. When the faux fighters get pushy, make the cop fall down on his bat belt and hurt his back, well that becomes pretty close to criminal, now doesn't it? If not criminal than certainly has serious potential for civil liability.

Mayor Ballard was uncharacteristically unwilling to jump in with both feet on something he had just heard:
It looks like poor judgment initially, but I will have to see. I just don't know until I get all the angles.
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