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[Ben]:The Recession Hits Politicians Hard Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
This makes me want to cry.

Those poor, neglected politicians. They're forced to travel to Scotland with a mere $118 per day to spend on food. Each day ... well, three days out of the five day conference ... they go to dreary meetings with no home to come back to except their room, the presidential suite and both adjacent rooms well stocked with snacks, liquor and beer.

But this is just an example. Our hardworking lawmakers do this kind of thing all the time. They jet around the world with no thought to themselves except for a small shopping trip here and a short sightseeing trip there. Taxpayer funded, of course. But hey, it's the least we can do for those men and women who slave away a few months of the year or when they feel like it. Given the money they've saved us as a country over the past few years, $17,000,000 in reported travel expenses (not including time in Air Force aircraft) is hardly something we should begrudge them.

Screw the military, we should salute the real heroes ... the men and women who serve under fire (or at least sitting in front of the fire sipping Scotch in the hotel's presidential suite) in our Congress and Senate. My heart swells with pride every time I hear that they are working so hard to protect my future.
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