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[Ben]:New pictures Discuss This [2 comments so far] View Comments
I've got some of the promised new pictures up. They will be dripping in over the next few days in the Picture of the Day section.

The IMA restricts the use of flash photography so sometimes the images didn't come out perfectly. Things you will see:

9/17: A statue - I know nothing about the artist or the subject, but I thought it was a good piece.
9/18: A painting that reminded me of Ali Zaybak, L'Emmerdeur, King of the Vagabonds.
9/19: Someone who just seemed to be appreciating everything a little more.
9/20: Venison on the hoof
9/21: Möbius Ship
9/22: Flavius Agricola's funerary monument - "Tivoli is my home town, Flavius Agricola my name . . . Friends who read this, do my bidding. Mix the wine, drink deep, wreathed in flowers, and do not refuse to pleasure pretty girls. When death comes, earth and fire devour all."
9/23: Welcome Home - a piece which I am obviously too ignorant to understand. This is - and I'm not joking - a commercially fabricated awning. Someone went out and bought an awning and then hung it up on the wall. Well beyond me.

There was another piece that was - in its entirety - a couple of strands of orange yarn stretched diagonally from a museum window to the floor. That will take me a lot of work to figure out, I think.
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