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[Ben]:An interesting perspective Discuss This [4 comments so far] View Comments
A liberal coworker came in and noticed an article written by Rush Limbaugh's father sitting on my desk. A conservative coworker had printed it out and given it to me.

"I'm kind of disappointed that you're reading Rush Limbaugh, Ben."
I told him it had been given to me by our mutual conservative coworker, was a good, balanced article and was written by Rush Limbaugh's dad.

"Oh, yeah, [conservative coworker] listens to Rush. It always surprises me. I mean, [conservative coworker] is nice, considerate, balanced ... and Rush is anything but."

[Liberal coworker] routinely watches and enjoys Bill Maher and John Stewart, but can't understand how someone who listens to Rush Limbaugh might be a good person. Come again? He was offended about Rush Limbaugh accusing Michael J. Fox of acting as if he were undergoing a seizure when discussing the benefits of stem cell research, but likes Bill Maher - who dressed up as Steve Irwin with a stingray's stinger in his chest for Halloween, who paints American soldiers as rapists, who is militantly anti-religious? Those are just a few recent ones ... I mean, the guy makes a living off of being offensive, and that's all fine and dandy?

There's a disconnect here somewhere.
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