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[Ben]:Yellowstone Supervolcano Discuss This [4 comments so far] View Comments
There's been a lot of talk about a Yellowstone Supervolcano eruption. A few hundred small earthquakes in the region of the Yellowstone caldera makes some folks a bit twitchy.

Let me set your mind at ease.

If there is a catastrophic eruption, some of us (especially my reader working at the Yellowstone National Park) will die in the initial eruption. Some of us will die in the massive ashfalls surrounding the volcano as they force transportation to a halt, pollute all forms of surface water and crush houses. Most of us will die in the weeks and months following the massive eruption due to near total disruption of the transportation and logistics network required for preservation of modern society. A very few of us will shovel ash off of our homes often enough to prevent their collapse, will scrape together enough food and potable water to survive and will live miserable, tragically short lives trying to relearn basic skills to survive in self-sufficient local communities.

The chances are fantastic that you won't be in the last category, so why even worry? You're as good as dead!

I hope that alleviates some worry.
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