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[Ben]:Lifetime Permit and other thoughts Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
Over lunch today I ran over to the local police department and applied for my lifetime permit. Hopefully for the last time in Indiana I paid, filled out the form and got fingerprinted.

So, as soon as the Indiana State Police Firearms Division gets me through their system, I'll be licensed for the rest of my natural life to carry a gun in this state.


By the way, Tam pointed this out. I think it is only fair that a gun shop gave Barack Obama the title of Employee of the Month since he's given the firearms industry (especially the scary looking gun industry) such a shot in the arm.

Speaking of scary looking guns, today the former Marine I work with just up and gave me six 30 round AR magazines because I like, shoot and carry 1911 style handguns. Apparently he has a few spares.

And speaking of spares, while in Iraq, "M" found something like 50 crates of Lee-Enfields, Garands as well as rifles that dated to the Boer war. He got permission from the ATF and his commanding officers to import some of the older rifles as curios and relics, but the State Department put the brakes on it. Darn you, State Department! I might have gotten a Garand instead of a few magazines ...
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