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[Ben]:Is Obama joking? Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments
On my way home from work on Friday I caught an Obama commercial that was pimping the windfall profits tax on oil companies and how Obama would take that money and give $1,000.00 checks to families to help pay for high gas prices.

Are his advisors nucking futs?

Let me try to explain this in a way that even a Democrat can understand.
• When you tax something, it raises the price.
• A windfall profits tax is a tax.
• If you tax the oil companies to raise enough money to try and bribe voters, those companies will simply raise their prices to compensate - and that "free money" will be sent right back where it came from - plus whatever the government takes and spends auditing, collecting and distributing the bribes.
• Corporations don't pay corporate taxes, consumers, employees and investors do.

Don't you see why this is a terrible idea? It simply means more government intrusion, higher gas prices and massive waste, all to bribe ignorant voters.

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