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[Ben]:My blueberries are burning! Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
My office is located not too far from the Indianapolis International Airport. The area is dotted with commercial and industrial offices, warehouses, factories and research parks. Rumor has it that somewhere in this jumble of capitalism is a researcher or producer of artificial food flavoring and/or aromatics. I'm thinking it might be a commercial bakery.

I can't speak to the accuracy of that rumor, but it is very common for me to drive into work and smell the very strong and clear odor of burning blueberries. It's never the smell of fresh blueberries, chocolate, strawberries or cherries - always blueberries and always burning. If you want to get an idea, take a handful of blueberries and toss them on a burner until smoke starts to rise. Then take a few deep lungfuls. If you don't have some fresh blueberries around, just pour some kerosene on a blueberry muffin and light it up.

Man, but it's strong.

I'm going to have to find out what the source of the odor is and let them know they're doing it wrong. I can't imagine there is a huge market for Burnt Berry Flavoring (tm).
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