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[Ben]:Personal Update Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments
Nothing particularly exciting going on, but I figured I'd cover some recent developments.

I've been working full-time at my new job, which means I have a lot more time to work on other things. I've gotten some work done around the house which has needed doing, but there's still a lot left to do.

Yesterday I had to crawl under my parents' deck to dig their dog out. It seems that Kodi (their bear of a dog) had found a place he could get into but not out of. Jon and I ended up worming under the deck and digging a ditch with inadequate hand tools under the primary crosspiece. Kodi complained the whole time, but we got him out.

At work I recently wrote a pretty cool little application in .NET. It is a C# program that checks a list of FTP sites automatically (currently every 30 seconds ... I'll probably tweak that back a bit) and looks to see if the content has changed. If it has, an email is sent out. Fun little toy, and useful here. I'll keep modifying it and eventually I think I want it to work entirely from a database, display the actual files that have changed and allow reporting based on when modifications were made. Fun stuff.

Today Nate got a message from a lady at Trijicon saying that she wanted to link to some of the Trijicon-related pictures on for their own internal use, so I set up this for her.

More later, if I get the time.
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