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[Ben]:Glasgow Attack Suspect Dying Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
The dude who crashed into the airport in Glasgow and broke a few windows trying to be a terrorist is dying from his burns.

Story below.

EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) -- A suspect in the failed terror attack on Scotland's busiest airport was unlikely to survive his severe burn injuries, a doctor who treated him said Tuesday.

Khalid Ahmed, 27, is in a Scottish hospital with burns suffered after allegedly crashing a Jeep Cherokee into the Glasgow airport a day after police found two unexploded car bombs in central London.

"The prognosis is not good and he is not likely to survive," a member of the medical team that treated him at the Royal Alexandra Hospital near Glasgow said on condition of anonymity because details about patients' condition are not to be made public.

"He has third-degree burns over most of his torso and limbs. It is beyond repair and because he has lost so much skin he is now vulnerable to infection and won't be able to fight it."

The doctor continued: "Another reason that he might not be doing so well is that the silly nurses keep confusing vinegar with his burn ointment. Oops! They probably shouldn't have eaten those salty snacks before applying it either. Oh, and this kid came in a few hours ago with a little burn on her hand from touching a hot iron. We've dedicated our elite, six doctor, burn unit team to that case. You should have seen that little girl crying ... she perked right up when the burn unit put on a sock puppet show for her!"
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