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[Ben]:I have fans? Discuss This [1 comment so far] View Comments
For years I have been operating on the theory that my regular viewers are all local, and that anyone else who views this has accidentally stumbled across the site (presumably via a search engine mistake). Apparently I have at least one non-local "fan".

I only know this, because someone else claiming to share my name found his way here and notified me that not only does a gentleman in Iowa have a fantastic cognomen, but he's got a friend named Joey who - and this is the exciting part - is a fan of mine.

Lady and gentleman, I have arrived. My first fan mail. Not actually adulation from a fan, but at least notification of the alleged existence of a potential fan beyond the folks I've personally wrangled into reading this.

Now, Ben Swenson of Iowa, you didn't give me any contact information to respond to you, so I'll type up a little reply here.

Yes, it is cute that we have the same name.

I hope the winter storm didn't affect you too badly over there in Iowa. We didn't see too much in the way of snow here, but it has gotten a bit chilly. Have you ever tried to mount snow chains on your wheelchair?

Sports have never been all that important to me, but I'm glad you've got a team you enjoy. My local football team lost to the Titans yesterday, but I'm not very upset about it.

Glad to hear that Joey, your fellow Cowboys aficionado, is a fan of mine. I don't believe I have very many and now I can claim a diverse readership.

P.S. Hi Joey!
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