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[Nate]:New Bathroom Floor Discuss This [4 comments so far] View Comments
When we moved into our house there were yellow patches on the floors of the bathrooms from where the original owner had a latex backed rug. The latex causes a chemical reaction with the vinyl that cannot be cleaned up so your only option is to replace the vinyl or cover it up with another rug. In two of the bathrooms it wasn't that bad and we could get away with covering it up, but in the master bath it was really bad. That plus the fact that when the toilet was first put down there was a leak which caused some discoloration next to the toilet meant that I was going to have to replace the vinyl.

On Friday after I got off work at 1400 I came home and got things ready to start and ate lunch. So starting around 1530 and with a lot of breaks I was able to finish the bathroom by 0100, and here is the best part. The total cost of flooring, tools, and accessories...less that $40.

Sorry, but I don't have a picture from before. I always forget to take pictures until I am half way through the project. I promise I won't forget on my next project.

Here is a picture of the floor after I had taken up the old vinyl.

Here is another and in this one you can see where the majority of the glue was used when the house was built.

And here is the finished product, well finished except I still have to clean caulking off the the tub and from in front of the tub. I really hate working with silicone caulking.
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