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[Ben]:Blockbuster vs. Netflix Discuss This [2 comments so far] View Comments
Today I took a couple of minutes to check out Blockbuster and Netflix to see if I wanted to join again. I had an online Blockbuster plan for a while, but dropped it when they couldn't get DVDs to our apartment very quickly or reliably.

It's funny, but neither company advertises their rates anymore. In order to even see Blockbusters plans, you have to begin signing up for a "free" trial. Netflix has theirs in a FAQ, but it is harder to find than it used to be.

I tend to like to give feedback to difficult to use websites when I can, so I thought I'd contact Blockbuster to tell them how frustrating it was to not be able to see their rates prior submitting information to sign up for a trial. Unfortunately, the form to fill out to submit a comment is longer than to set up a trial.

When I was member of, I really liked one feature they had where you could return a video directly to a store for a free in-store rental. Apparently this is now an upgrade you can purchase for your account instead of a basic feature.

I don't know for certain that I'm going to sign up for Netflix, but I'm pretty sure I won't be working with Blockbuster.
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