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[Ben]:Be sure of your target *AND WHAT IS BEHIND IT* Discuss This [4 comments so far] View Comments

This is a picture of a bullet. I'm guessing it came from a 9mm cartridge which was, presumably, fired from a 9mm handgun, but I didn't take it home to measure and weigh it.

Note that the bullet is sitting on a kitchen table. This might not be unusual if it were my kitchen table, or Michael's kitchen table, or Nate's kitchen table ... but that is my mother-in-law's table. Okay, so it isn't unheard of to have gun stuff in their kitchen, but it is a little bit stranger.

What really makes this bullet interesting is not where it is, but how it came to be there. You see, my father-in-law found it amongst some broken glass in a window of the room that my wife slept in when she lived at home. Someone had fired it (clearly from some distance) in such a manner that it struck the very room that my wife grew up in. At that distance it probably wouldn't have killed someone had it struck them, but it is horribly dangerous nonetheless.

Folks, when you're out shooting, always ... always be sure of your target and what is behind it. Please.
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